Miseducation Media Kit


A podcast about segregation and inequality in New York City high schools reported and produced by the students themselves.



What listeners are saying:

★★★★★ "I didn't know what I was missing in my understanding of education policy until I listened to this podcast. Great way to elevate youth voices that are rarely heard in either policy debates or podcasts."

★★★★★ "As a former teacher, I find this podcast to be just what the world needs. Real and raw coverage."

★★★★★ "This podcast confronts hard truths and asks important questions."

★★★★★ "Incisive and interesting."

★★★★★ "An absolute must listen!"

Read more reviews on iTunes.

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Sabrina DuQuesnay | sabrina@bellvoices.org


Feel free to download and use our cover art by Nyeda Sam.